Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fundraising Continues

Tonight, I was made aware of this organization-

Click Here to Read More!

Anyone who buys a hat for charity will be giving to 3 great causes!

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Monday, January 23, 2012

The Fundraising

We have received $296 in donations and knitted goods orders.

We have spent over $900 in this passed week.

My intentions, going forward, are to continue fundraising to help save animals from the Devore Shelter.

Once I finish my orders for Osiris, I plan to continue knitting and selling fundraising items. 50% of Proceeds will go towards paying off Osiris' vet bills and 50% will go towards pledging pull fees foster care for animals slated for euthanasia. Once we dig out of bills, 100% of profits will go to the animals.

If nothing else, Osiris has awakened In me a desire to help save helpless souls from kill shelters. Jared and I hope to one day open our own animal rescue.

I will link to the etsy shop once it is set up.

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Sweet Osiris

It is with a heavy heart that I must write that Osiris passed away on Friday evening.

We feel so blessed to have known him, even for this short time.

Thank you everyone for your help, prayers and generosity.

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Good news and Bad news

Good news:

We found a local-ish vet!


We have raised a total of $281!!!

Bad news:

Osiris is having a hard time today. He is so malnourished and weak. He has barely been able to move today and is only tolerating about 3cc/hr of oral food without vomiting.

Please keep Osiris in your thoughts and prayers!

Thank you!

I'm still knitting hat and scarves, as well! We had a pretty high vet bill yesterday.

Total treatment costs: $700

Total Donations/Purchases: $281

Every single penny is deeply appreciated! We intended to buy pet insurance, but Osiris came down with parvo within 24 HOURS of us picking him up!!!! This was an extraordinary event!

I swear we were financially prepared for a dog, routine vet costs, treatments and food! This is a huge hit.

There is also a movement to reform the AWFUL shelter that did this to Osiris!

Please, join the cause and hold them responsible for all the dogs they are euthanizing or sending out with kennel cough and parvo!

Click here to visit and "Like" the Facebook page to Reform Devore Shelter!

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday Morning

After Osiris' morning subcutaneous fluid injection, he perked up quite a bit. Unfortunately, not enough to hold down water and medications. :(

It was obvious we would need more IV fluids faster than we have arranged to get them.

Yesterday, we contacted the vet recommended to us by the ER vet- the vet and it's staff offered us euthanasia and said "home treatment offers you little hope for recovery".

That was a hard thing to hear. It made me sad and angry that someone would give such a grim outlook when research does not support it.

We called the ER vet at 7am and pleaded our case, told them what the other vet said, and begged for them to help.

They allowed us to purchase ONE more bag of LR and anti nausea meds and then recommended yet another, possibly more sympathetic vet.

This one is over 45 minutes away though. We are calling there today.

I administered 2 enemas per wolf creek protocol with a bit of blackstrap molasses. Osiris was able to go outside and walk around for TEN minutes!

Tuesday Vet Costs: $40

Total Cost to Date: $540***

Total Donations Received: $200

Thank you to all who have donated!

Look for upcoming OperationPuppy Rescue:: Donor Appreciation post!

*** cost do not include adoption, procurement, food or general puppy care. Strictly the cost of medical/herbal/IV treatments.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Sprucing up the Infirmary!

The kids and I decided that Osiris' bedroom was too drab and not conducive to invoking the will to live.

We draped silks so the skylight would filter sun through the warm colors...

The girls added a crown with jewels and hung their crystals over him.

My 6.5year old said
"I think this will make him know we love him a lot. Maybe it will make him want to stay with us forever!"

Then she added pictures...

K walking Osiris...

She also made some for Isis' kennel.

A window...

An address...

And a picture of Osiris and Isis walking in the sun...

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The Treatment Plan

We took Osiris to the vet immediately upon recognizing that he was lethargic and vomiting. He was at the vets within an hot of his first symptoms.

I feel that was an important step.

The vet tested him for parvovirus, it was positive. Then they gave him a fluid bolus and anti-nausea shot.

The vet was very sympathetic to our inability to
Pay for
Inpatient treatment.

She worked with us to
Come up with a plan, which involved:

Subcutaneous Fluid bolus of 200ml once a day.

Subcutaneous anti nausea medication.


We wanted to
Also attempt to integrate some holistic treatments. After searching the Internet and reading for hours... We have compiled quite the comprehensive treatment plan.

The holistic modalities being used are in part from anectodal advice from people we know that have SUCCESSFULLY treated parvo and partially from:

This Page

I have been warned by a caretaker of parvo pups to watch his blood sugar and lethargy. To use KARO syrup or molasses to keep him from crashing.

We have been adding a drop or two of blackstrap
Molasses to his enemas to give him the sugar, iron, and minerals.

He is now getting water and parvaid every hour. In addition to this, we are giving 10cc enemas as directed.

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Save Osiris! Fundraising!

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day Two: Setting up the infirmary

We quarantined Osiris in the bathroom. We are expecting lots of clean-up AND it is the best place to keep him separate from Isis.

That's him in a pile of
Blankets. He is laying on a ladybug pillow pet that my 3.5 year old gave him.

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